Workshop : Adobe Make It Artist
A design workshop hosted by Adobe Korea and conducted by Kookmin University Department of Visual Communication Design. Kang Goo-Ryong, an art director of the design studio ‘Youth’, adjunct professor at the Department of Visual Communication Design, and 12 students gathered for a project that produces 12 posters. They gathered image sources with the theme of “Finding 10 image sources that inspire me around us,” and tried out different types of design by using common collage, layer techniques, typography, and layout techniques. The entire workshop was introduced on the Behance site.
Open Feminism
Inspired by a Ted lecture titled as Teach girls bravery, not perfection, students started a feminism research club at the Department of Visual Communication Design in autumn 2016. This club now accepts applications from all students at the College of Design, not to mention at the Department of Visual Communication Design. Open Feminism encourages College of Design students to explore various activities, and focusing on communications and cooperation’s between members. Starting from research on feminism issues, Open Feminism also employs the design abilities by individual members to produce feminism-related contents.
International design awards
Kookmin University Department of Visual Communication Design encourages students to challenge overseas open contests. As accomplishments over last 10 years, many alums have won various overseas awards such as Adobe Design Achievement Award (ADAA), and Type Directors Club (TDC).
Aisiting designer Lecture
The Department of Visual Communication Design invites special guests from the creative industries every semester. These series of lectures are aimed to provide understanding of the changes in contemporary design ideas and multifaceted nature of design throughout all fields of communication design.
Out of the Well Workshop
A short-term workshop for high-school students wishing to study in the field of visual design. Students at the Department of Visual Communication Design participate as mentors to share their experience on various ways of learning through lectures, hands-on exercises and conversations. This workshop is evolving into an open learning field that provides motivation to highschool students tired of arts as entrance test as well as providing information on career paths in the design field.
International Exchange
Kookmin University Department of Visual Communication Design has signed agreements with major universities in Asia, Europe and America, including Haute École des arts du Rhin (HEAR, France), Wuhan university of Technology (China), Pforzheim University (Germany), JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands), University of Applied Sciences Macromedia (Germany), and University of Bologna (Italy) to run students exchange programs. Each year, approximately 3-4 students visit and participate in the exchange program. In addition, in 2014, we concluded a short-term exchange student program agreement with the California Institute of the Arts in the United States and jointly conducted lectures, design culture research projects, and workshops by inviting students.