The Department of Entertainment Design aims to cultivate creative talents that lead a high value-added entertainment culture that integrates culture, technology and design, and that practice social responsibility and ethics in design. As the value and importance of the media entertainment field, which is one of the key industries in the modern society, has been gaining attention in line with the fourth industrial revolution, the Department of Entertainment Design intends to realize the modernity with the convergence of design and high-end technology and to ultimately advance human communications through immersion and inspiration. The Department of Entertainment Design provides in-depth and systematic professional training in the following fields: 1) the new media and game-related fields such as VR and AR, which are based on high-end technology; 2) the video content industry that involves movie VFX, character design, 3D animation, motion graphics, video advertisement, and music videos, which are the core of globalized Korean culture contents such as K-POP; 3) the new form of entertainment field which newly emerges and evolves along the interdisciplinary convergence among arts, performing arts, architecture, communication, IT and engineering; and 4) the event design that involves the collective service of tangible and intangible cultural content. The Department of Entertainment Design will contribute to establishing a high-quality global entertainment culture that transcends academic and cultural boundaries through a concept-based, convergent and generative educational paradigm rather than media-oriented design education.
- Cultivating leaders advancing the cultural field through design education on convergent media in the era of the fourth industrial revolution
- Training professionals in the three major entertainment fields such as media content- new form-game
- Facilitating practical industry-university education programs for domestic and overseas employment/entrepreneurship
- Providing overseas employment opportunity through international certification training
- Forming substantial international education network
- Promoting R&D projects linked to major national cultural projects and content development
- Incorporating the elements of education - administration - management into design leadership education
The Department of Entertainment Design aims to nurture educational talents and professional designers who will contribute to establishing a high-quality global entertainment culture that transcends academic and cultural boundaries through a conceptbased, convergent and generative educational paradigm rather than media-oriented design education. The Department of Entertainment Design provides in-depth professional education on entertainment design that is newly emerging and evolving through the interdisciplinary convergence of games, performance arts, IT, and arts, including: 1) traditional live action videos such as video advertisements, music videos, movies, and documentaries, through courses such as video workshops and sound design; 2) CGI content industries through courses such as VFX (visual effects), 3D animation, and motion graphics; and 3)further courses on highend technology such as and VR/AR convergent design, new media design, and media technology.