
  • The Video Fest ival and the Graduation Exhibition
    The Video Fest ival and the Graduation Exhibition

    In every June and December, the Department of Entertainment Design holds the Video Festival presenting the results of each semester class in the format of film festival to provide the opportunity to appreciate other students’ works that are produced through various assignments and to share various know-hows. Furthermore, the Graduation Exhibition in every October presents graduation works that are products from the four-year training at the undergraduate program in the external exhibition space, and invites experts from the corresponding fields as well as hiring managers in various companies, leading to employment and start-up opportunities.


    Key-Light is a videomaking club where students not only learning specialized skills including directing, cinematography, lighting, production audio and post production for making live action videos but also planning and producing a film for themselves. It aims to establish a foundation for creative activities and provide a dream of being a specialist in the field to students of dept. of Entertainment Design.

  • Coding Club ‘Cho-Coding’
    Coding Club ‘Cho-Coding’

    Cho-Coding is an abbreviation of ‘Beginner’s Coding Guide,’ and is a coding study club that helps designers to learn coding easier and friendlier. The members are mainly studying the Java-based language ‘processing’ for designers who are familiar with the visual language, sharing specific design methods to combine computer engineering to the exploration of the new media area that is gaining more and more importance.

International Exchange

The Department of Entertainment Design at Kookmin University has been actively engaged in various international exchanges to date since its establishment. In addition to international students exchange programs in Germany and the Netherlands, students from the United States, the Netherlands, and France contribute to forming a world-class education and global network through their day-to-day interactions. Based on the experiences, students after graduation have been studying at universities such as CalArts in the USA and Royal College of Art in the UK, in addition to the receipt of the Fulbright National Scholarship. Besides, the Department of Entertainment Design has been expanding the educational opportunities to promote the global vision to overseas employment/entrepreneurship, including a special invitation lecture by the founder of Uriverse, Inc., from the Silicon Valley.